
I have a lot of exciting projects underway. This website, for one, has become a good focal point for me, allowing me to go through old essays and syllabi, to revisit old ideas and move them forward or let them go as the case may be. I’ve barely scratched the surface with uploading those files.


to propose, contemplate, or plan. to throw, cast, or impel forward or onward. to set forth or calculate (some future thing). to present (an idea, program, etc) for consideration or action. to use (one’s voice, gestures, etc) forcefully enough to be perceived at a distance. to communicate clearly and forcefully (one’s thoughts, personality, role, etc) to an audience.

Yesterday, I started a new project, also associated with this website. One of the volunteers I work with at ISTE sent me an email with a bunch of great links to digital humanities projects, including information about an open-source archiving tool, Omeka. After some PHP upgrading on the server [insert geek talk here?], I now have the software installed, and I plan to start playing around with it. My first project will be to archive my ’zine collection – just to get a feel for the tool, but also to have a project that I can showcase elsewhere (potential clients, schools, etc).

Oh, and I found a guitar teacher.

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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