
One month under my belt as a freelance writer. What did I do?

Slept in late. Went to the gym, like, twice. Drank a lot of beer. Drank a lot of coffee.

Had my boyfriend move in.

Had to put the guitar aside. Swore that music would still stay a focus. Saw Deer Tick.

Wrote sixteen blog posts for Wrote thirty-five blog posts for ReadWriteWeb. Wrote two study guides for BookRags. Participated in the "I Heart EdTech" blog swap. Wrote a column for Special Education Technology Practice. Wrote on this blog.

Read a gazillion RSS feeds. Didn't watch a single goddamn movie. Read a book by André Breton. Started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Started The Art of the Start.

Beat Plants v Zombies.

Told my therapist I wasn't coming back. Became another uninsured American.

Tried to upload a poem on Posterous every day for National Poetry Month. (Failed.)

Had Doc Searls comment on a blog post I wrote, then write about it on his blog, then comment on this blog. (Truly one the highlights of my month.) Had cool people like and link to my RWW posts. Started getting "tips" emails. Was spammed. Had my first post syndicated on the New York Times website. Had my second post there.

Talked to some really cool people. Watched some cool events unfold. Watched some fucked up shit occur.

Had tons of doors open.

Is pretty goddamn content, but has plans, I tell you, plans for the month of May.

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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