
Just a short update on some big changes:

I’m incredibly proud of my boyfriend Kin Lane, who’s been named a Presidential Innovation Fellow. The year-long appointment – he’ll be working for the VA – will involve our moving to Washington DC in August.

It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind, as we didn’t learn until 12 days or so ago that this was happening. We’re not sure what we’ll do with our apartment here in Hermosa Beach (it’s a dive, but it’s a dive located two blocks from the beach); we’re not sure what we’ll do for housing in DC (recommendations for neighborhoods and leads on sublets are welcome).

As I’m writing a book this year, the move isn’t going to be terribly disruptive to my work. (Maybe. I hope.) A request: help with obtaining library privileges at a university or college in the DC-area.

I’m really looking forward to a stint on the east coast as I’ll be much closer to some of my favorite people and favorite cities, even though damn, I’m going to miss LA.

Icon credits: The Noun Project

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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