

I didn’t leave Hermosa this week. But Kin did – he’s up in San Francisco, and I miss him fiercely. It’s rare that our schedules have us going in different directions, and I’m miserable when it does.

Next week (for me): Bolton (just outside of Manchester, UK)


No really. I’m almost done with Piketty’s book. Really. I promise this time.

Hack Education Writing

Hack Education Weekly News
Hack Education Weekly Newsletter

Editing Educating Modern Learners

I wrote both articles that appeared on EML this week:

What Should School Leaders Know About Adaptive Learning?
The Problem with “Personalization”

What You Should Know This Week: Vergara v California – that is, Silicon Valley’s latest attempt to destroy workers’ rights

Other Projects

I spent most of the week working on the keynote I’m giving on Wednesday at CETIS14. I also spent some time cheering on the LA Kings, Stanley Cup champs. #GoKingsGo! It's harder to muster interest in the World Cup.

It feels weird to brag about what's really a very small triumph, but perhaps it's worth noting that ISTE Unplugged and ISTE itself added Codes of Conduct this week that specifically address harassment. Win. Right?


My kid turned 21 on Wednesday, triggering all sorts of feels. He’s back on the road again, having only stayed with me a month-ish. Onward. And such.

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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