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2015 has been a really terrible year for me, and I’m glad that we’re quickly approaching its end. It’s not as though things get magically better when we flip the calendar over to January. But I’m looking forward to 2016 nonetheless. Ugh. Except for that whole presidential election thing.

Despite the awfulness, I have so much to be grateful for: my health, my work, my friends, my family.

I’m thankful for Kin, who has put up with me during all the times I’ve collapsed into tears and fury. I’m thankful for Fred – that we could bravely face a pretty shitty situation in Casper together. I’m thankful for Isaiah, who has proven to be the bravest kid. I'm thankful for my mom's support through all of this.

I’m thankful for all the people from whom I learn every day, particularly Tressie and Jose. I’m thankful for those friends who’ve cried with me. I’m thankful Chris, who’s the busiest person I know and still has time to be a solid friend. I’m thankful for Kate, who I finally met face-to-face this year and who has held me while we stared into a deep pit of despair.

I’m thankful for the people who read my work. I’m thankful for the people who listen to me speak – particularly those who know I’m going to say something that makes people feel a little uncomfortable and who still welcome me at their events.

I’m thankful that there are people who care, that there are people who take to the streets in protest, that there are those who work tirelessly for social justice.

I’m thankful I live in the sunshine, even when the world seems so dark.

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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