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Now it is Facebook’s turn to be stupid about AI

Exploring the Intersection of Art and Machine Intelligence

Facebook is using AI to map where everybody lives to get the world online

What’s Next in Computing?

AI Helps Facebook’s Internet Drones Find Where the People Are

Twitter Bot

Drones Improving Medical Access

Wikipedia for Robots

IBM’s Watson has new APIs meant to gauge how you’re feeling (and which shoes you have on)

Stanford Lit Lab Trains Neural Network To Identify Suspense in Stories

The Latest Boston Dynamics Creation Escapes the Lab, Roams the Snowy Woods

To Keep America Safe, Embrace Drone Warfare

Atlas, The Next Generation

Watch the Next Generation Atlas Robot Get Bullied By A Mean Human (And Stay On His Feet)

Massive delivery of “just in time” videos; a way to change education and build useful AI

How to Think about Bots

All About Ava: AI and the Mysteries of Human Obedience

A Whimsical Robotic Adjustable Applause Machine That Lets a Person Give Themselves a Hand

The Robots Are Coming for Wall Street

Why journalists interested in drones should be watching an FAA reauthorization bill

Google’s DeepMind AI group unveils health care ambitions

A Robot That Has Fun at Telemarketers’ Expense

What Is a Robot?

Don’t Laugh: Yahoo’s Open Source AI Has a Secret Weapon

U.S. aviation regulator starts rule-making process for public drone flights

On the Personalities of Dead Authors

Facebook AI Research is donating 25 GPU servers to European academies

Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Demo Turned Into a Parody Horror Video About a Robot Seeking Revenge

Children in Uganda watch a hobbyist’s drone fly for the first time, and totally flip out

(Image credits)

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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