
This post first appeared on

I've spent the last month or so researching the blockchain and its potential applications in education. I've spent the last week or so typing up my thoughts. This morning, I published a 5000-word piece -- an introduction to the blockchain, aimed at the ed-tech audience.

A few hours later, Edsurge published this:

Oh sure, I'm linked if you click to "read more." My 5000 words of research are summarized in a sentence or two. But what Edsurge, a site with more readers and more Twitter followers and millions more in VC dollars than Hack Education, has done is effectively redirected traffic to their page and away from me.

That's some shady, disrespectful behavior right there.

One of the things I always appreciate about Stephen Downes' OLDaily is that when he features others' work, he puts a redirect in the headline so that clicking on the link in question takes you to the original content. That strikes me as much more ethical online behavior, one that builds a community of thinkers and writers in ed-tech rather than one that tries to funnel all news and information into one centralized location.

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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