
As of December 1, I will (mostly) turn off social media until the draft of my book is done.

I won’t be on Facebook – that dumpster fire is pretty easy to walk away from. I won’t check Twitter regularly – a bit harder to do, I confess (even though it is still such a toxic site). I won’t be on Instagram – unless something really photogenic happens, I suppose.

Of course, if I publish an article, I will probably log in to Facebook and Twitter share it – I still have to maintain the self-employment hustle. But I’m deleting the apps from my phone (I never check the sites via my laptop). I’m not deleting or deactivating accounts – unless I just can’t keep away as the deadline looms.

I don’t know if I’ll be writing on my websites regularly or not. We’ll see. (You can subscribe to their RSS feeds if you so choose – just add “feed.xml” to the end of any of my sites’ URLs.) As it stands, I do plan to continue to send out the HEWN newsletter, although it might not go out every Saturday.

I’ll still be reachable via email – [email protected]. You can also send me postcards. I’ll write back. (You might even have better luck getting me to respond to the latter than the former.)

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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