"Tweet of the Week" 
"Personalized learning" is like Burger King's slogan "have it your way." "Hold the onions" does not radically transform your fast food meal
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) April 28, 2016
Hack Education 
Writing Elsewhere 
- Hack Education Weekly Newsletter via
- The Week in Robots on
- April 2016 Ed-Tech Funding Data on
- Trends to Watch: Bots on
- Trends to Watch: (The Failure of) Ed-Tech Platforms on
- Nope
- Nope
- Upcoming week: Nope
Other Projects 
- Kin and I recorded the second episode of our podcast
- I finalized a manuscript review for MIT Press
- I made a couple of edits to an essay on anti-racist pedagogy (publication TBD)
- Simon Thomson has reviewed my book Claim Your Domain in the Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
- I made some small edits to “Myth and Millennialism of Disruptive Innovation” to be published in Disrupting the Digital Humanities (forthcoming)
- Therapy!
- Because of problems I’ve been having with ad-laden sites scraping and reusing my sites, I’ve decided to change the licensing on all my websites
- My research into the history of chatbots in education is underway
- I’ve started work on the syllabus for the class I’m teaching in August for DigPedLab
- I added an explanation about “the pigeons” to the Hack Education landing page (and added a subdomain
- I talked to Goldie Blumenstyk about a profile she’s working on for The Chronicle of Higher Education
- I spent a chunk of time trying to figure out Gephi
- I did all my usual end-of-the-month (backups, website and CV updates, adding a “short CV” because the full thing is way too long)
Reading and Viewing and Gaming 
- I’m still reading When We Are No More
- I watched the season opener of Game of Thrones (I'm sorta pleased that this story is now out-of-the-hands of George R. R. Martin's novels)
- I’ve resumed playing Fallen London (and the kiddo has been tempting me to return to WoW)
- 10 months on and my dad’s estate is still not settled
Image credits: The Noun Project