- From Hermosa Beach, CA to Medford, OR (staying in Grants Pass, OR)
- Upcoming week: ???
Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 164 via
- The Week in Robots on
- Drone Recovery, Week 3 via
- Trend to Watch: Social Emotional Learning on
- Trend to Watch: the LMS on
- Trend to Watch: VR on
- Trend to Watch: English Language Learning Software on
- Ed-Tech Funding Data, May 2016 on
- Nope
Other Projects 
- Kin and I recorded Episode 7 of our new podcast
- I updated the logos across all the Hack Education projects. (Thanks Bryan Mathers!)
- I’ve made lots of updates to Kin and Isaiah’s new site, Drone Recovery. They take the photos and video footage; I deal with it once Kin has synced it all up to Dropbox
- I updated my CV
- I sent monthly invoices
- I chatted with folks at Ryerson about an event they’re planning on education and gaming
- I sent an update to my Patreon supporters (Thank you Patreon supporters!)
- I was cited in the Chronicle article “What the Slowdown in Ed-Tech Investment Means for Colleges”
- I recorded a segment of the podcast Flash Forward with Rose Eveleth on a future without schools
- I attended (virtually) an Inquiry Schools board meeting
- Four months sober
- I’m still reading The Global Pigeon
Family and Friends 
- I’ve rendezvoused with Kin and Isaiah up in Oregon. I’m not going on all their hikes, but I did go with them to Rainie Falls where of fucking course we had a close call with a rattlesnake. Lots of snakes on the road to recovery, I suppose
Icon credits: The Noun Project