Tweet of the Week 
Oh god. Someone has already written the “how Pokemon Go will revolutionize education” article
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) July 10, 2016
- Nope
- Upcoming week: Charlottetown, PEI
Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 169 via
- The Week in Robots on
- Nope
Other Projects 
- Kin and I recorded Episode 12 of our podcast
- I made lots more updates to the Drone Recovery site
- I mailed out a bunch of Hack Education laptop stickers
- I worked on the keynote I’ll deliver Wednesday in PEI
- I added a new page to “WTF, Ed-Tech Visualized.”
- I bought plane tickets to get back up to PDX to see the kid (when I get back from PEI), and I bought plane tickets to get out to F’burg for the next DigPedLab event in August
- Therapy!
- I wrote a draft of an article on narrative and learning analytics – publication TBD
- I read Black Panther, No. 3
Icon credits: The Noun Project