- Nope
- Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, then NYC
Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 179 via
- The Week in Robots on
- The End (of Summer 2016) on
- The Latest K–12 Horizons on
- Clippy and the History of the Future of Educational Chatbots on
- Nope
- Nope
Other Projects 
- Kin and I recorded Episode 22 of our podcast
- I changed my phone number, ditching the 541- area code, my last tie to Eugene, Oregon
- I recorded a brief rant for the 100ms project (transcript here)
- I had a quick call with the ETUG organizers; I’ll be speaking in Vancouver at the end of October
- I updated my research project on the Horizon Report’s predictions (see blog post linked above)
- I wrote the draft of an article on education accountability for the Data & Society folks; it should be published next week
- I worked on the keynote I’ll deliver next week at the DeL conference
Reading and Viewing 
- We finished Season 1 of Stranger Things
- We watched Captain America: Civil War and X Men: Apocalypse
- I read Black Panther, Issues 5 and 6
- I finished reading Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble and started re-reading her Companion Species Manifesto
Icon credits: The Noun Project