1 min read
Hack Education 
- Hack Education Weekly News
- Education Technology and the Ideology of Personalization
- Education Technology’s Ideologies
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 193 via tinyletter.com
- The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Character Education Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Personalized Learning Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Predictive Analytics in Education? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Ed-Tech in Africa? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who Received Gates Foundation Grants in 2016? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Test Prep Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com
- Who’s Funding Tutoring Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com
- How to Explain Your “Be Less Pigeon” T-Shirt or Sticker on pigeons.hackeducation.com
- Mutually Assured Destruction Again on fragments.audreywatters.com
- Nope
- Nope
Other Projects 
- Kin and I recorded Episode 36 of our podcast
- I’m editing my next book The Curse of the Monsters of Education Technology, which should be out next week
- Overnight stays in Portland and Eugene, OR and Sacramento, CA
- Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, CA
Family and Friends 
- We saw the kids when we were up north
Icon credits: The Noun Project