1 min read
Hack Education 
- Hack Education Weekly News
- The History of the Pedometer (and the Problems with Learning Analytics)
- The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com
- The History of Pearson on network.hackeducation.com
- Pearson: A Timeline on network.hackeducation.com
- Trend to Watch: Automated Parenting on 2017trends.hackeducation.com
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 219 via tinyletter.com
- More Thoughts on Annotations on audreywatters.com
- The Contrafabulists Podcast, Episode 57
- The Week in Predictions on predictions.contrafabulists.com
- I spoke to Donna Murdoch’s class. A transcript of my remarks – ostensibly about learning analytics – is above
- I recorded an episode of Journeys in Podcasting with Chris Davis
Other Projects 
- I’m trying to get everything in order to head to Columbia in the fall. One of the outstanding issues: I need to prove that I’ve had my MMR vaccines. I had the serology test done this week, and guess what? I am no longer immune. Time to schedule some shots…
- I removed the publication Education Futurism from Medium. (I’m letting the domain educationfuturism.com expire)
- I renewed my driver’s license. (Lucky for me, I didn’t have to go to the DMV to do so)
- Nope
- Upcoming week: Nope
Family and Friends 
- Kin’s daughter is here for the next six weeks ago
Icon credits: The Noun Project