Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 255 via
- The Week in Robots on
- The Business of Ed-Tech: February 2018 Funding Data on
- Trust, Politics, Futurism, and FOECast on
The Contrafabulists 
- The Week in Predictions on
Spencer Fellowship 
- Week 6 of classes
- I’ve updated my ed-tech funding databases and my tracking of Gates Foundation grants
- I added some new data sets to my tracking of “ed-tech’s networks” (and updated existing ones) – “New Data” on
- An Update on Networks (and on My Spencer Fellowship) on
- I had to lead the class discussion in my privatization class on the class Chubb and Moe book Politics, Markets, and America’s Schools. I posted my notes online
Other Projects 
- End-of-the-month tasks: updated CV; updated website with speaking and travel info; GitHub backups; deleted tweets and FB posts
- I was cited in The New York Times – a reminder that I hadn’t updated this site with my last few media appearances: “In the News: On ‘Tech Regrets’ on Marketplace” and “In the News: On Luminaria in The New York Times”
- Nope
- Upcoming week: Columbus, Ohio to visit Sidney Pressey’s archives at The Ohio State University
Reading and Viewing 
- I’m still reading Politics, Markets, and America’s Schools
- I read Algorithms of Oppression
- I started reading Policy Patrons
- I started watching David Chang’s series Ugly Delicious
Icon credits: The Noun Project