Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 259 via
- The Week in Robots on
- The Business of Ed-Tech: March 2018 Funding Data on
- (Searching for) Norman A. Crowder and the AutoTutor on
The Contrafabulists 
- I know that Kin and I haven’t done a podcast in a while. We’ll get back to it, I am sure. We have both just been super busy (and super frustrated by the state of tech)
- The Week in Predictions on
Spencer Fellowship 
- Week 9 (?)
- I spent the week working on my book proposal – a draft is due at midnight tonight, so I have to finish up this blog post and get back to work!
Other Projects 
- I did all my regular end-of-the-month chores: updating my CV, backing up all my GitHub projects, deleting old Tweets and Facebook posts
- I’ve updated my database of Gates Foundation education grants
- I talked to MIT student Frankie Schembri for a story about personalized learning
- I finished reading Rethinking School Choice
- I’m reading Education and the Commercial Mindset
Icon credits: The Noun Project