Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 268 via
- The Week in Robots on
- What Futurists and Marketers Predict (May 2018) on
- The Business of Ed-Tech: May 2018 Funding Data on
Teaching Machines 
- I requested materials from Skinner’s archives at Harvard University
Other Projects 
- I completed my end-of-the-month projects including updating my CV, updating my travel page, deleting old Tweets, backing up my GitHub repositories
- I updated my tracking of Gates Foundation grants and of venture funding in ed-tech (see link to story above)
- I completed a draft of an article for The Baffler
- I started planning some travel Kin and I are doing at the end of June
- I talked to former venture capitalist Ted Dintersmith about education, technology, and investing
- Nope
- Upcoming week: Cambridge, MA
Reading and Viewing 
- I watched Lady Bird and A Wrinkle in Time
- I read Bad Blood
- I started reading War Against All Puerto Ricans
Icon credits: The Noun Project