Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 272 via
- The Week in Robots on
- The Business of Ed-Tech: June 2018 Funding Data on
- Update: Tracking the Gates Foundation’s Education Grants on
- The Stories We Were Told about Ed-Tech (So Far This Year) on
Teaching Machines 
- The big news: I signed a book contract with MIT Press this week. I am so excited (and a more-than-a-little overwhelmed)
- I’ve been working this week on going through the photos and notes I took at the Harvard University Archives, trying to figure out what exactly goes into the Teaching Machines chapter on B. F. Skinner (and what goes in my next book, LOL)
Other Projects 
- I wrote a foreword for a book that Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel have co-written
- The end of June meant all those end-of-the-month tasks: backups, deleting social media, updating my CV and websites, and so on
- Grenoble
- Upcoming week: Grenoble, Annecy, and Chamonix
Reading and Viewing 
- I’m reading Tinkering Toward Utopia
- I’ve been watching football – yesterday’s match between Argentina and France was amazing (as were the celebrations here in our neighborhood afterwards)
Icon credits: The Noun Project