Hack Education 
Writing Here and Elsewhere 
- HEWN, No. 277 via
- The Business of Ed-Tech: July 2018 Funding Data on
Teaching Machines 
- Weekly Update: The Smiling Girl, the Serious Boy, and the Teaching Machine
Other Projects 
- I made some end-of-the-month updates to my websites
- The end of the month also means time to back up my GitHub repositories and delete old tweets (the latter will now happen every 30 days)
- I added new datasets to
- I updated my list of Gates Foundation education grants
- I updated my project that tracks all VC funding in education
- Most of what I did this week, it seemed, was relocate my life: new mailing address; new home address; boxes moved; most of the boxes unpacked; Internet ordered; Internet failed to install; groceries purchased; first meal in new place cooked; and so on
- Barstow, CA and Hermosa Beach, CA (which is once again “home”)
- Upcoming week: No-goddamn-where, thank you very much
Icon credits: The Noun Project