1 min read

Hack Education

Teaching Machines

Other Writing


  • End-of-the-month projects included deleting old data (from Facebook) and backing up all my projects
  • I calculated funding data for venture capital and venture philanthropy for the month of September. I created a new page on this project to show where the CZI money goes
  • I talked to Ed Week’s Michele Molnar about marketing personalized learning


  • I spoke to Eddie Maloney’s class at Georgetown (virtually) – the transcript is above
  • I recorded an episode of The Pulse podcast


  • Nope
  • Upcoming week: Nope

Reading and Viewing

  • I am reading Programs, Teachers, and Machines
  • As Kin has been on the road, I feel like I have binge-watched a lot of TV and movies. Notable: the second season of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Icon credits: The Noun Project

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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