Hack Education 
Teaching Machines 
- (Still) Searching for Norman A. Crowder on
- Networks versus Individuals and the People’s History of Computing on
- I spent a bit of time (still) adding metadata to the notes and photos I took at ETS – I really need to wrap that up ASAP
Other Writing 
- HEWN, No. 293 via
- Robot Pizza Tastes Terrible, but Futurists Love It Anyway on
- I started working on what is going to be a very abridged “ed-tech year in review” by listing all the HEWNs and all the Friday news roundups I’ve written in 2018
- The big projects this week were: making Thanksgiving dinner (which took up much of the day Thursday) and getting a tattoo (which took up much of the day Wednesday)
Reading and Viewing and Listening 
- I read A People’s History of Computing in the United States and Programmed Teaching
- I’m still listening to the audio version of I Contain Multitudes
- I watched Mission Impossible: Fallout
- Kin’s daughter was here for Thanksgiving
Icon credits: The Noun Project