
Hack Education

Teaching Machines

  • I didn’t write anything on the Teaching Machines’ blog this week, I now realize. Ooops. I am still going through the photos and notes I took at ETS. I’m also reading a bunch of books and articles about programmed instruction and trying to figure out how to turn academic research from the 1960s into a page-turning narrative

Other Writing


  • I did some of the usual “end-of-the-month” tasks like backing up my files, deleting old Tweets, and updating my CV
  • I recorded some audio with Nathan Maton about technology and ethics
  • As “The Break” notes above, I have started a break away from social media until the book is written. I will probably write a bit on the blog this week about how I’m doing this and how it’s going. I’m only one day in, after all.

Reading and Listening

  • I finished reading Programed Instruction and I am re-reading The Cult of Information
  • I finished listening to I Contain Multitudes and I am listening to Fear Itself

Icon credits: The Noun Project

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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