It wasn’t a good week for writing. But we did sign a lease on an apartment, and while there is no furniture here other than a bed and two bar stools, we have a roof over our heads in a new city. This new city is experiencing the worst winter storm in decades, and that’s added a new twist to the challenges of furniishing it (with food, let alone with actual furniture). The next few weeks don’t look to be too good for writing either. I’m headed back to LA to pack up the old apartment. Then I’m headed east to speak at Austin Peay University. Then the IKEA furniture is coming. And then I can return to the book writing.
Teaching Machines 
I’m not even going to bother to update the word count here. And I’m going to try to not to freak out about the April 1 deadline for the draft.
Other Writing 
- HEWN, No. 304 via
This past week: Seattle. Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach.
Icon credits: The Noun Project