Yes. This is a day late. Whatever. I’m busy.
Teaching Machines 
I have not completed more chapters, as much of the week was spent in Santa Barbara. The talk that I gave there – something I’d hoped would be part of the conclusion – still needs work to become the final chapter. 11 days left in the month. 2 chapters left to go. I got this.
I gave a keynote at the Disquantified conference: “The Cybernetic University and the Teaching Machine.” It was truly one of the best events I’ve been to in a long while – the presentations were great; the people were wonderful (and I got to hang out offline with some folks who’ve been online friends for a long time).
This past week: Santa Barbara. Upcoming week: Mostly Seattle, until Friday, when we head to PDX.
Reading and Viewing 
I started skimming The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Good grief, I don’t have time for the whole book right now. But I wanted to at least see what she had to say about Skinner.
We watched the last Game of Thrones episode last night. Good grief, that was terrible.
Icon credits: The Noun Project