Teaching Machines 
No updates.
Hack Education 
No updates, although I’m starting to think about what I’ll do with my writing there. I will probably relaunch the site in the new year with more frequently commentary. But we shall see.
Other Writing 
HEWN, No. 330 via substack.com
I don’t know if this counts as “work” or not, but I did sign a bunch of paperwork to sell property that my brother and I inherited in Texas. It’s a long story, and a good one. I’ll write it out later. And I’m trying to sell some property in Wyoming too. That story is much less exciting. I also had two calls with folks regarding speaking engagements: one in preparation for my appearance at OEB and one about a possible talk at National University.
I’m prepping my talks for Berlin.
Listening and Viewing 
We’ve been watching The Mandalorian and been listening to Dolly Parton’s America.
Kin’s daughter was here for the holiday weekend, as were our friends the Bebells – we had dinner with them on Sunday. Kin’s brother and sister-in-law are here this weekend – we had dinner with them on Friday. Same location both times. We need to get out of a dining rut, I think.
Icon credits: The Noun Project