
I haven't written one of these in a while. I've been in a pretty dark place, I won't lie. The global pandemic hasn't helped. Like. At all. But things are sunnier now — literally, as we moved from Seattle to Oakland a couple of weeks ago. I'm trying to re-establish old routines and kickstart some new ones.

Teaching Machines

This was really not the time to try to reach people to secure permissions, but I managed to do so. Slowly. The book is now in the hands of the production team at MIT Press. Publication date: 2021

Hack Education

Other Writing

HEWN, No. 346 via (and since I last published this weekly round-up, No. 345)


I've been doing quite a bit of speaking, although this was the first paid gig in a while. Thank God. And I have quite a few gigs coming up. They're mostly unpaid, but I volunteered to be a guest speaker in classes, and I think it's the least I can do right now to help support educators.


This past week: LOL, what? Upcoming week: Haha. We're all at home.

Reading and Viewing and Listening

I've missed out on tracking a lot of this, although I really haven't been reading much until recently. I finished the latest John Scalzi novel and the latest N. K. Jemisin one. I'm reading quite a bit for new writing and speaking projects too. As far as listening: the new Fiona Apple album is amazing. As far as viewing: ugh, I've been watching too much TV, most of it quite unremarkable. We did watch the Beastie Boys documentary twice this week, because apparently I need to ugly-cry regularly.

Icon credits: The Noun Project

Audrey Watters


Audrey Watters


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