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Audrey Watters


Teaching Machines Editing. Hack Education The History of the Future of the “Learning Engineer” (cross-posted to HEWN and to the Teaching Machines’ site) Other Writing HEWN, No. 312 via substack.com Reading and Viewing I’m reading Astra Taylor’s Democracy May Not Exist, But We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone I’m listening...

Teaching Machines I’m in editing mode now, even though there are some lingering research questions. Hack Education The Teaching Machine Imaginary (and an Update on the Book) – cross-posted on the Teaching Machines website and to HEWN Other Writing HEWN, No. 311 via substack.com The Contrafabulists Kin and I finally...

Speaking I was a guest on Terry Greene’s Getting Air podcast. Traveling This past week: nope. Upcoming week: nope. Thinking about how to make this a pattern. Reading and Viewing I think the only TV I watched this week was World Cup football. Icon credits: The Noun Project

Visiting The kid was in town this past week. So needless to say, I didn’t get much else done besides hanging out with him. Icon credits: The Noun Project

Teaching Machines No news. Hack Education What’s Next for Hack Education, Part 2 Unsupported Working I made a bunch of updates to my various websites and GitHub projects this week, primarily to delete my call to “support Hack Education.” I don’t feel like I’m doing enough public-facing work right now...

Teaching Machines No news. Hack Education Hack Education turned 9 this week, and I did not write a post to commemorate the event (yet). I still have a lot to think about with regards to how I’m going to move the publication forward. Traveling This past week: Kin and I...

Teaching Machines The draft has been submitted. There’s still a fair amount of editing that needs to happen. But I’m taking a week to relax before getting to work on that. And on the next book proposal. Hack Education Now that the draft of Teaching Machines is done, I do...

Teaching Machines It’s the final push now. The draft will be done on 31 May, whether I’m ready or not. Traveling This past week: Kin and I went to Portland for the weekend to see Gogol Bordello (and to see my kid). Upcoming week: Chained to my desk, finishing the...

Yes. This is a day late. Whatever. I’m busy. Teaching Machines I have not completed more chapters, as much of the week was spent in Santa Barbara. The talk that I gave there – something I’d hoped would be part of the conclusion – still needs work to become the...

Teaching Machines I’m getting closer to being done, although travel over the next few weeks – a trip to Santa Barbara and a trip to Portland – are going to slow progress a little. I finished chapters 5, 6, and 7 this week. I’m working on the conclusion now (sort...