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Audrey Watters


Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Higher Education in the Disinformation Age Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 210 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com EduColor Newsletter, Issue 14 Contrafabulists Podcast, Episode 50 Contrafabulist Newsletter, Issue 5 We’ve launched a new Contrafabulists project, tracking predictions about the (technological)...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Omidyar Network and the (Neoliberal) Future of Education Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 209 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com I have two chapters in Educação e Tecnologia abordagens críticas, a book edited by Giselle Martins dos Santos Ferreira, Luiz...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Top Ed-Tech Trends (Aren’t “Tech”) Why “A Domain of One’s Own” Matters “Technology-Enhanced Retention” and Other Ed-Tech Interventions “Education Technology’s Completely Over” Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 208 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com March 2017 Ed-Tech Funding on funding.hackeducation.com...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Driverless Ed-Tech: The History of the Future of Automation in Education Spencer Fellow! Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 207 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Saving the Pink Pigeon on pigeons.hackeducation.com EduColor newsletter, Issue 13 via mailchimp.com Tweets Deleted on audreywatters.com...

I’m deleting all my old tweets. I’m deleting all my old tweets and will delete them on an ongoing basis – every tweet older than three months. Why? Because I am growing increasingly uncomfortable about the way in which our historical data is weaponized online. Tweets are particularly susceptible to...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 206 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Contrafabulists Podcast, Episode 47 Contrafabulist Newsletter, Issue 3 Other Projects I have the most exciting news to share, but I can’t until March 31. I have been dancing with...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Rationalizing Those “Irrational” Fears of InBloom Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 205 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Life and Death Before the Affordable Care Act on audreywatters.com Federal Money Bought Me This… on fragments.audreywatters.com Contrafabulists Podcast, Episode 46 Contrafabulist Newsletter,...

Cross-posted from Facebook Tressie McMillan Cottom wrote on Twitter about how she'd benefited from the various federal education programs that Trump wants to cut. The responses are amazing (and her observation, of course, that by cutting these programs the Trump Administration absolutely hopes to target brilliant Black folks like her...

When the Republicans in Congress introduced their replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act, I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach. Kicked in the stomach by their callousness. Kicked in the stomach by the grief and trauma of remembering life (and death) before Obamacare. I took to Twitter...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The History of the Future of E-rate and Affordable Internet Access at Schools Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 204 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Distraction Shaming on fragments.audreywatters.com The History of the Future of E-rate and Affordable Internet Access at...