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Audrey Watters


The week that was: Cooking — I made blueberry swirl blondies — a recipe from the new Snacking Bakes cookbook; cauliflower potato bean soup; chicken breasts with miso-garlic sauce (which were supposed to cook at 500 degrees and as such set off the fire alarm); taco pasta; "superhero" muffins; tomato...

Working: I recorded the next podcast episode with Lee. I still have to go through the transcript and prepare it for publication; it'll go up next week. I published the usual recipe, essay, and weekly news roundup. I'm going to take some time off over the holidays, I think, and...

I am exhausted, and I didn't even run the marathon yesterday. I did, however, volunteer from 8-2 at the hydration station at Mile 25. I didn't expect it to be quite such a crush, but it was a warm day, and the minute that the runners started passing us, it...

I can't believe how quickly this month has flown by. We've almost been in NYC four months now. Wild. In some ways, we're mostly settled. Oh sure, we're still dealing with the bureaucracies that make things like getting car insurance and getting the car licensed an absolute pain-in-the-ass. (We did...

No really. There's something about being in New York that has absolutely cranked up our activity levels. Or maybe it's not New York. Maybe Kin and I are just making a concerted effort to make the most of, well, life. Life, this past week, looked a little like this: Training:...

I need to write about the hype around "recovery" for Second Breakfast. To be clear, that's recovery as it relates to fitness, not drug/alcohol addiction. Although I should write about the latter too. And I now that I'm making that note, I should perhaps think about how the two may...

Yesterday could not have been a more perfect day. We got up early and drove to Staten Island. I know, I know. Part of the NYC running ritual is to navigate the subway and the ferry over there. But as I wanted to have my cheer squad in tow, we...

It's taper week — so less than a week now until my big fall race: the Staten Island Half Marathon. I've been training for this, building my mileage, since we left Oakland, and I am ready to run. I would very much like to beat the time of my last...

Another action-packed week: Due to Rosh Hashanah, Ess-a-Bagel was closed over the weekend, so we had bagels delivered on Monday. I met up with Coach KB at S&P on Monday — it was so good to see her. I miss Bay Strength so much. I chose S&P because it is...

Yesterday was the Bronx Ten Miler. It was a gorgeous morning — sunny but cool. 13000 runners descended on Yankee Stadium to run up Grand Concourse and back. The vibes — damn, Bronx! — were, as the kids say (maybe, I dunno what the kids say) were poppin’. I was...