Audrey Watters
Still More News and Reviews
Teaching Machines was excerpted in Edutopia: "The Eary History of Edtech" Thomas Ultican reviews the book: "Machine Teaching Requires Behaviorist Approach" And I took the Page 99 Test for the book (a project of the Campaign for the American Reader)
More News and Reviews
I was a guest on EdNews' Week in Education as well as the Karen Hunter Show. Neither host had read the book, and the discussion -- no surprise -- was not about Teaching Machines. Diane Ravitch, on the other hand, did read my book, and she calls it "brilliant."
Reviews: 'Just Visiting''s John Warner on Teaching Machines
"This is a landmark book." I am, of course, thrilled with the book review published in John Warner's "Just Visiting" column on Inside Higher Ed. I won't lie: he's one of the people who had an advance copy of the book that I was most eager to hear from. What...
In the News: Teaching Machines on Talk Out of School
On Saturday, I was a guest on Leonie Haimson's show on WBAI, 'Talk Out of School.' We had a great conversation about Teaching Machines and about ed-tech then and now. You can listen here:
Reviews: A Round-Up
I've been a little remiss in adding press mentions to this site lately, but the book has had some really terrific reviews (and rather lovely, cursory mentions). A sample: Paul W. Bennett, "Teaching Machines: What Does Training Pigeons have to do with Ed Tech Innovation?" The Syllabus chose Teaching Machines...
Tyrant Lizard King
Like so many children, Isaiah was — for a time, at least — obsessed with dinosaurs. Although just barely beyond toddler-hood, he possessed a seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of the creatures, with an incredible vocabulary of words like pachycephalosaurus, deinocheirus, and archaeopteryx. We lived in Wyoming when he was small, and...
In the News: Teaching Machines on the New Books Network
I chatted with Mark Klobas with the New Books Network podcast about Teaching Machines. (I think it was a great conversation!)
Excerpt in The MIT Press Reader
An excerpt of Teaching Machines is in The MIT Press Reader: "The Engineered Student: On B. F. Skinner’s Teaching Machine." "The story of teaching machines is deeply intertwined with Skinner’s psycho-technologies, which laid a foundation from which education technology has never entirely broken."
In the News: The Best of Our Knowledge
I was interviewed by Bob Barrett for WAMC's The Best of Our Knowledge radio program. You can give it a listen here.
In the News: Forbes reviews Teaching Machines
Forbes contributor Peter Greene has reviewed Teaching Machines. I'm particularly fond of the kicker: The book is fascinating and very readable, loaded with well-chosen details. Reading this story, one suspects it might be fair to say that it is ed tech, not public education, that has not made a significant...