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Audrey Watters


I was a recent guest on the Class Futures podcast. Although ostensibly we were poised to discuss Teaching Machines, our conversation was much more about teaching and learning and technology today -- particularly in light of the pandemic.

I gave my first book talk at the University of Technology Sydney last week. You can watch the recording here. There were a bunch of interesting questions, including one on connectivism as an alternative to behaviorism that I promised to think (and write) some more about.

The first book review for Teaching Machines comes from David Kernohan, who writes for Wonkhe that "for those with an interest in the space between theory, technology, learning, and commerce, and with a taste for the curious rhyme of history I couldn’t imagine a more rewarding read."

I was a guest on the season finale of Terry Greene's Getting Air podcast to discuss Teaching Machines (and other things). It was a great conversation, as always.

I was a guest on API Storytelling on Friday. This is one of Kin's shows, and as the name of it suggests, it's not at all about ed-tech typically. But it is (ostensibly) about storytelling -- about the narratives of the tech sector and how that shapes what gets built/bought/sold...

I received the author copies of Teaching Machines yesterday. It finally feels real! (Kin shot some other video too.)