Audrey Watters
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I didn’t touch the manuscript this week. (I find it helps to put writing away and think about it, then come back to it fresh.) But I recognize a couple of places where I will need to make my argument a little tighter. Other Writing HEWN, No. 329...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I’ve been working this week on the “Afterword,” which is perhaps an indulgent sort of chapter to have, but whatever. Other Writing HEWN, No. 328 via Working I chatted with Amy Chapman about a project she’s working on regarding women and ed-tech. It’s not “work”; it’s democracy....
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines The book finally feels like it’s moving forward into the next stage. My editor has read the draft, likes the draft, and has forwarded the draft to those participating in the peer review process. I worked a little bit on some other tasks this week – starting to...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I submitted the latest draft to MIT Press. I’m fairly pleased with how it’s shaping up. Other Writing HEWN, No. 326 via Working I was interviewed about the technology I use for work (although my answers were less about digital technology). Traveling This past week: Vancouver, BC....
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines It’s the final push now to finish up this draft. Just need to completely rewrite the conclusion. Wheee. Other Writing HEWN, No. 325 via Working I met with Margaret O’Mara this week. And I got a flu shot. Traveling This past week: Nope. Upcoming week: Vancouver, BC....
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Revisions continue. Other Writing HEWN, No. 324 via Education Technology and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (A Review of Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism) in Boundary2 Visiting The big activity this week, I reckon, was my son had major surgery on Wednesday. He’s staying with...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I’ve got an October 15 deadline to finalize this particular revision of the manuscript, and I think I’m on track. This week was spent revising the final chapter – the final chapter before the conclusion, that is – which covers Skinner’s (and teaching machines’) fall from grace. Other...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Revisions and Readers’ Expectations on Other Writing HEWN, No. 322 via Reading and Viewing and Listening On Saturday night, Kin and I saw Flogging Molly and Social Distortion. It’s been almost 15 years since I saw the latter – it was Anthony’s last concert and friends...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines The revisions went a little more slowly this week, as I spent a chunk of time down in San Francisco, a city which has become so much like New York – that is, nowhere to sit in a coffee shop and work. I also set up a Facebook...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I’m still working on revisions to my manuscript. I need to blog about what I’m thinking through and what I’m struggling with. I did make some progress this week on fixing the introduction and one of the chapters that the folks who’ve read the draft so far struggled...