Audrey Watters
The Year in Burgers
In this new “age of Ozempic,” we’re told that one of the benefits of semiglutides is the elimination of “food noise” -- that is, the constant thinking about food. Obesity, so the story goes, is a result of an obsession with food, and by altering the communication between the gut...
The Year in Books
Same Bed, Different Dreams by Ed Park Master the Marathon by Ali Nolan The Woman in Me by Britney Spears Unshrinking: How to Face Fatphobia by Kate Manne The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I by Douglas Brunt A Feast...
The Year in Writing
It ended up a pretty good year for writing, all things considered. I’ve flailed around a lot, no doubt, with the direction for my newsletter, Second Breakfast -- moving off of the wannabe-conservative-media Substack right before the new year (and no doubt taking a hit with sign-ups by moving away...
The Year in Therapy
I’ve long found the act of going back and reviewing what’s happened over the past year to be incredibly helpful in orienting myself -- intellectually, politically, emotionally. In previous years, I’ve attuned this end-of-the-year practice to the goings-on in my fields of study -- ed-tech, most famously. But this year,...
The Return
Cross-posted to Hack Education Week in and week out, there are a litany of stories that, if I were paying attention to education technology, would prompt me to say “I told you so.” Why look, just in the last few days: coding bootcamps, pretty shady; Udemy, very shady. Google Notebook...
False Spring
Yesterday was gorgeous, with temperatures reaching the 60s. It's cooler today, and a stormfront is moving in. "False spring," I've heard several people call it. You think that winter is over, but it's not. The darkness and gloom and cold will continue. Feels apt as there have been moments when...
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
I am in a really dark place right now. I haven't run since Thursday, and I am going to hold off from doing so until the pain in my knee is gone. I was hoping that that would be tomorrow. Based on how I feel today, it won't be. I...
Don't Call it a Cut Back
This week was a tough one, as the recovery from my collision is taking much longer than I’d like. I dialed my training way, way back -- which is frustrating as hell as things were going so well. I skipped my speed work on Tuesday. I skipped the gym on...
Crashing Down
Just when things are going great… I mean, I have been feeling so strong physically. I'm just a few weeks into my training block for my April half marathon, but everything's felt good. I'm making progress in the gym too, which is even better as in the past I've found...
Hills and Pancakes
Yesterday was my third 10K race ever. It was my second NYRR race of the year — the first in-person — as I work towards completing the "9+1" that'll qualify me for the 2025 NYC Marathon. It was my third race in Central Park; my second time with this particular...