Audrey Watters
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I’m back at work on the book draft, which is due less than a month from now. I’m not confident I’ll make the deadline, but I’m not sure I won’t either. I have a couple more chunks to write, but then a lot of editing and polishing to...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Once again, I have no updates on the book progress. Well, that’s not quite true. I gave a talk this week at Austin Peay State University, and what I said will probably become the introduction to Teaching Machines. (And that’s why, contrary to my usual practice, I did...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Another week where I’m going to skip giving an update on my word count. I did get some words written, but this week has mostly been about moving and packing. Next week doesn’t look to be much more productive either, as I’m traveling and speaking and then unpacking...
My Week in Review
It wasn’t a good week for writing. But we did sign a lease on an apartment, and while there is no furniture here other than a bed and two bar stools, we have a roof over our heads in a new city. This new city is experiencing the worst winter...
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Although we’re still unsettled in Seattle – we sign a lease on an apartment on Tuesday – I did manage to get some writing done this week. Word count: 10,077. Total to date: 70,333. (I’ve set a goal to have 125,000 written by the end of February and...
My Week in Review
Big changes are coming. Big changes are here. Readers of API Evangelist might have noticed that Kin announced he’s stepping back from that role. He’s taken a full-time job, which started this week. That means we are moving to Seattle (we are up here now, obviously). This week I found...
Cutthroat AirBnB Kitchen
A couple of years ago, the Food Network broadcast a cooking game show called Cutthroat Kitchen. I found it fairly annoying, truth be told, as there was this tendency among the competitors to go a little over-the-top with their cutthroat machismo. Kitchens don’t need to be rewarding that. Good god....
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines 15,410 words (total written: 52,231) Other Writing HEWN, No. 301 via Traveling Nope Upcoming week: Seattle Viewing I watched both the Hulu and Netflix documentaries (the latter, in my opinion, is better) Icon credits: The Noun Project
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines Word count this week: 18,718. Total words to date:36,821 Other Writing HEWN, No. 300 via Fables of School Reform in The Baffler Traveling Nope Upcoming week: Hb Reading Thick by Tressie McMillan Cottom Icon credits: The Noun Project
My Week in Review
Teaching Machines I established a goal of writing 800 words a day. It’s a pretty pathetic goal, I realize, but I’d rather not set myself up with a target that I have to struggle to hit, particularly when I get to some of the rougher patches in my thinking. I’m...