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Audrey Watters


Dropbox deleted my Dropbox account. It’s one I’ve had for years now, even paying for additional storage space in order to have some 30 GB of files synced and available across all my devices. I should note here: I didn’t use Dropbox as my only storage service. Much of my...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 198 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Speaking I co-facilitated a “conversation” at Educon – a “cryptoparty.” (Here’s a link to the information we discussed) Teaching Nope Other Projects I worked on keynote I’ll give next...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 197 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Joshua Kushner and Thrive Capital’s Ed-Tech Portfolio on funding.hackeducation.com ALEC and Ed-Tech on network.hackeducation.com To Mr. White on audreywatters.com Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Kin and I recorded...

To Mr. White: I suppose this is meant to be a threat: “I will no longer read, nor point to, your blog.” It’s not even close to the most threatening threat I’ve received as a woman with opinions on the Internet. But it’s a threat all the same. I have...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 196 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Kin and I recorded Episode 39 of our podcast I submitted my Spencer fellowship application Reading I read Infomocracy I started reading Bringing...

Travel Nope Upcoming week: Uncertain Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 195 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Kin and I recorded Episode 38 of our podcast Kin and I talked with Bryan Mathers about “visual...

Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Curse of the Monsters of Education Technology What Happened in Ed-Tech in 2016 (And Who Paid for It)? Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 194 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Who Were 2016’s Most Active...

My idols are dead and my enemies are in power. Keynotes and Presentations “‘I Love My Label’: Resisting the Pre-Packaged Sound in Ed-Tech” presented at Davidson College. “The Rough Beasts of Ed-Tech” at the Irish Learning Technology Association’s annual conference. “Memory Machines: Learning, Knowing, and Technological Change” at the Digital...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Education Technology and the Ideology of Personalization Education Technology’s Ideologies Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 193 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Who’s Funding Character Education Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com Who’s Funding Personalized Learning Startups? on funding.hackeducation.com Who’s Funding Predictive Analytics in...

Cross-posed to Facebook I grew up in Wyoming in the 1970s and 1980s. I grew up fearing that nuclear war was bound to happen. I felt the word “assured” in that phrase “mutually assured destruction” meant our destruction was inevitable. Nuclear war was inevitable. I also knew that Wyoming had...