Audrey Watters
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Education Technology and the “New” Economy Education Technology and the History of the Future of Credentialing Education Technology and Data Insecurity Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 192 via The Week in Robots on Adding Your Name to a List on
Adding Your Name to a List
A comment, left on Facebook, to a post urging professors to add their name to a Watchlist, created by a conservative website, of liberal professors to keep an eye on. I feel like this is a terrible and dangerous idea, one that reflects a privilege that many scholars do not...
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Business of Education Technology Education Technology and the Promise of “Free” and “Open” Education Technology and the “New” For-Profit Higher Education Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 191 via The Week in Robots on Education Companies and the Stock Market on...
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Top Ed-Tech Trends: A Review Education Technology and the Year of Wishful Thinking The Politics of Education Technology Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 90 via The Week in Robots on Ed-Tech Funding Data: November 2016 on Who’s Funding Virtual Reality...
Revoking Citizenship
Cross-posted to Facebook I don’t believe Trump’s tweets – even when they seem unhinged – are a “distraction.” And that’s even if he very much hopes you talk about the tweet rather than whatever latest scandal is making headlines. I do believe that we can pay attention to more than...
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Support Hack Education Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 198 via The Week in Robots on (Reversing) Pigeon Extinction on Other Projects Kin and I recorded the latest episode of our podcast I’ve been working on my “Top Ed-Tech Trends” this...
My Week in Review
Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Education Technology Under Trump: A Syllabus Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 188 via The Week in Robots on The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Issue a Press Release on Speaking Nope Teaching...
My Week in Review
Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 187 via The Week in Robots on Trumped Up Data on Feeding Facebook on Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Kin and I recorded the latest episode of our...
Feeding Facebook
Cross-posted on Facebook, and I can't even believe I have to tell grown-ass people this. Facebook has become a key vehicle for spreading misinformation. Please do not contribute to this. If nothing else, as we’ve seen this week, misinformation serves to undermine democracy. BEFORE YOU CLICK “SHARE,” READ THE ARTICLE....
Trumped Up Data
I’ve started working on my annual review of the year in ed-tech, something I’ve done for the past six years. It’s an intensive project – I will write some 75,000 words between now and the end of December – that forces me to go back through all the events and...