Audrey Watters
My Week in Review
Travel Richmond, VA Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, CA Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Issue a Press Release Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 186 via The Week in Robots on Ed-Tech Funding Data: October 2016 on Speaking...
My Week in Review
Travel Hermosa Beach, CA and Vancouver, BC Upcoming week: Richmond, VA Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News (This Is Not a Morphology of) The Monsters of Education Technology Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 185 via The Week in Robots on Speaking I gave a keynote at ETUG’s...
My Week in Review
Travel Hermosa Beach and Monterey, California Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, California and Vancouver, British Columbia Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Peter Thiel and the Future (and Funding) of Education Technology Attending to the Digital Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 184 via The Week in Robots on
100mins, Part 2
What is the future of teaching and learning? Part 2 of my contribution to EDU8213. I want to respond to something that Liz said about our focus on computers as calculating. She said she preferred to see them as communication machines, and I do think that an emphasis on communication...
My Week in Review
Travel Nope Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach then Monterey (I'm speaking at MIIS) Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 183 via The Week in Robots on I’m Not Really With Her But… on Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Kin and I...
I'm Not Really With Her But...
Cross-posted to FB... I had a lengthy conversation with my 23-year-old son today about politics. “Are you registered to vote?” I asked tentatively. (I hate vote-shaming.) This isn’t the first election where he’s eligible to vote; this is his first election voting. I know that many pundits like to sneer...
My Week in Review
Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 182 via The Week in Robots on Pigeon Spreads Hate on Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other Projects Eye doctor I created a new subdomain for the next in the series...
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Disciplining Education Technology Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 181 via The Week in Robots on Narrowing on Rebooting the Book on Unfair Taxes on NYC, September 2016 on Reading Pigeons on The Future of Pigeon Racing...
Unfair Taxes
Here's another rant I posted to Facebook today (in lieu of my actual work): What counts as “fair share” of taxes is a totally subjective assessment. Most Americans do believe that the wealthy and corporations do not pay their “fair share,” although according to Pew, Democrats find this much more...
Presidential Debate #1
I come from a long line of racists. I mean, let’s be honest white folks, we all do. But all I can think right now is of my dad (RIP Kirk), who called me in tears on November 4, 2008 because he had cast his first vote for a Democrat...