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Audrey Watters


Travel Hermosa Beach and New York City Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Re·Con·Figures: The Pigeons of Ed-tech Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 180 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Accountability: Calling Education to a Count in Enabling Connected Learning Re·Con·Figures: The Pigeons...

Travel Nope Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, then NYC Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Clippy and the History of the Future of Educational Chatbots Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 179 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on audreywatters.com The End (of Summer 2016) on techgypsi.es The Latest K–12 Horizons...

Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot by Playing Grand Theft Auto Frolicsome Engines: The Long Prehistory of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is hard to see MVP, A Mobile Robot Tackling Dummy Designed to Take a Beating During Football Drills Uber’s Pittsburgh Project Is a Crucial Test for Self-Driving Cars It’s...

(For a project, formerly known as "Speaking Openly") I often quote the Marxist Antonio Gramsci – “I am a pessimist because of intelligence but an optimist because of will.” I quote Gramsci because, as “ed-tech’s Cassandra,” I’m often accused of being too critical, too negative about the future of education....

Travel Overnight stays in Dufur OR, Eugene OR, Roseburg OR, Woodland CA Upcoming week: Hermosa Beach, CA Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 178 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on audreywatters.com The Score on audreywatters.com and on medium.com Speaking Nope Teaching Nope Other...

North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police The Head of CMU’s Robotics Lab Says Self-Driving Cars Are “Not Even Close” No Sailors Needed: Robot Sailboats Scour the Oceans for Data Stephen Colbert Hilariously Tests Out Some of Inventor Simone Giertz’s Most Spectacular Robots...

I’m not sure what I expected when I paid off my student loans. A nice note from the bank, I guess. A form letter from the Secretary of Education. I didn’t think I’d receive a gift basket, a trophy, a ribbon. But I thought I’d get something. Partly, I wanted...

Travel Victoria BC, Vancouver BC, Seattle WA, Portland OR, Dufur OR Upcoming week: Not sure… Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 177 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on audreywatters.com Thoughts on Colin Kaepernick on fragments.audreywatters.com In Motion on techgypsi.es Drone Recovery on techgypsi.es...

Robot baby dolls could increase teen pregnancies, abortions, study shows Can a bot commit libel? Chicken AI What Robots Can Learn from Babies Mark Zuckerberg gives Pope Francis a drone After replacing human editors with an algorithm, Facebook ended up with a fake Trending news story In a first, FAA...

(Reposted from Facebook) Hate the 49ers. Love Colin Kaepernick. Full respect. 1) Among the things that makes this country "great"? We aren't mandated to respond a certain way to the flag or to the national anthem or to other nationalist symbols 2) White folks love to see black folks be...