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Audrey Watters


Mondays are my "rest days," and although I am loving this training block and feeling exceptionally strong as I head into its final weeks (I ran 10 miles on Saturday, no problem-o), I am also very very happy when Mondays roll around and I don't have to run or lift...

Kin and I took another RV trip this past weekend. We have managed to take the trailer our every month we've owned it — with the exception of January, when it rained so hard and flooded so badly that the RV park we'd reserved called and told us "We aren't...

I had some successes in the kitchen this past week: I added a frozen banana to the milk-mixture for bread pudding, and it was phenomenal. I had some disasters: I made a couple of loaves of sesame and sunflower seed sourdough — a recipe I've made before — and I...

I can't believe it's already April. And as such, it means the Worst Time of the Year is fast approaching — three years since I last saw Isaiah; three years since he died. I got a tattoo last week, and at first I was pleased that, for once it seems,...

Even though I'm still in training for a(nother!) half marathon, I'm going to re-title this series, back to the ol' "week in review." And despite last week being a recovery week from that first attempt at 13.1, it was a really busy one: I finished my Precision Nutrition certification, so...

One year ago, I did the Couch to 5K program and ran my first race at the Oakland Running Festival. As a brand new runner in the 50+ age group, I was thrilled to run it in under half an hour. Yesterday, I ran the ORF Half Marathon at a...

"The taper" is here — I'll only be running ~20 miles this week, 13.1 of which will be the half marathon on Sunday. Needless to say, I'm nervous as hell. Kin is heading out of town in a few minutes, and he'll be gone all week — lucky for him...

The taper has begun. Saturday's long run was only 10 miles — "only," LOL. We'll do 8 this weekend, and then the half marathon is March 19. Eek! I am nervous as hell, but after Saturday's run, I'm feeling fairly confident that I'll be able to run the distance. I'm...

It's almost the end of February, and this morning, I checked the final item off my list of goals for the month: pass my personal trainer certification. On Saturday, I ticked off another one too: run 12 miles. Saturday's run was my longest to-date, and it'll be the longest run...

Just a quick update to knock this item off my To Do list. This week, I: ran 10 miles — the farthest I've ever run — by myself, to boot took our first RV trip of 2023 — to Rio Vista, which I didn't think would be that amazing since...