Audrey Watters
Training: Week 13: The Tune-Up Race
One of my 2023 goals was to run my first 10K. A secondary goal was to run a 10K in under an hour. I accomplished both this weekend, coming in — according to the chip time — at 51:13. (My watch said I was faster.) It was fast, but the...
Training: Week 12: Double Donuts
This past week was pretty good and pretty awful, but let's stick to the former for the purposes of writing publicly on the Internet, eh? This past week was helpful, I'll say, in my finding some clarity and direction around "what's next" for me professionally. I mean, I've finished the...
Training: Week 11, Mile 9
Holy crap, January is almost over! With this past weekend's long run, I hit my running distance goal for the month: run a 9-mile run. The LMJS Half Marathon group ran along the Embarcadero on Saturday — from the Ferry Building to Fort Mason and back. (The Marathon group kept...
Training: 'Niggles'
The sun is out, and it feels much more like a NorCal winter now. It was cold (for NorCal, mind you) on Saturday's long-run, but it was glorious to have a training run in the sunshine. We ran along the Alameda Creek in Fremont, somewhere I'd never been before. (Fremont...
Training: Storms
The sun is out today for what feels like the first time this year. The weather in California has been abysmal. Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain. Wind. And more rain. There's flooding almost everywhere in the low lands while the upper elevations...
Training: Old Routines and New Technologies
The first week of the new year meant back to the old routine — back to the gym, for starters, where I hadn't been for a month due to holidays and COVID. And damn. It was painful. The DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) from Tuesday's squats lasted well into the...
New Year Etc
Typically, I write some sort of end-of-year reflection here on the blog — or some sort of beginning-of-year trajectory for my writing world. To wrap up 2022 — an amazing yet extraordinarily challenging year — I just decided to write all that stuff in my journal, rather than post things...
Training While Traveling
We’ve been on the road since Wednesday — I’m pretty thrilled with our RV still, despite the many challenges it brings. (The furnace doesn’t seem to stay on reliably, for example, which isn’t great when you’re camping in Death Valley in December.) Cooking is a bit of a challenge, particularly...
Training: The Plague, Continued
I finally tested negative for COVID this morning, almost two weeks after the first positive test for Kin. Funnily enough, I tested negative all the way through the plague, up until what was supposed to be the last day of our quarantine — Day 10 — then I tested positive....
Training: The Plague
After almost three years of avoiding the plague, it finally reached our house this week. My mom arrived on the first of the month, feeling a bit under the weather, but chalking it up to jet lag. But when Kin woke up on Tuesday with a sore throat and headache,...