Audrey Watters
The Week in Review: What's Good (and Late)
I'm a day late posting my weekly reflection because you know what's good? Convincing Kin to take a four-day weekend. We went on RV trip number 2 this past weekend, driving up to Humboldt County for three nights. It was a wonderful getaway. There are so many hikes to do...
The Week in Review: What's Good
Going in to Saturday's race, I was pretty nervous. I mean, I always get the typical pre-race jitters, and I felt that queasy excitement the night before and morning of the race. But there were other things on my mind too — It had been so incredibly hot here in...
The Week in Review: What's Good
Just as everyone else starts talking about fall, we get summer here in the Bay Area. And damn, it's hot. The forecast is for weather in the 90s through the week, which is a lot for us here, especially since we don't have air conditioning. I've had the apartment all...
The Week in Review: What's Good
I don't like horror movies. It's not just the gore or the misogyny. I don't like the way in which the suspense takes over my body, exacerbating the tension and anxiety that already run through me. I don't like having to hold my breath, watching and awaiting some wretched outcome,...
The Week in Review: What's Good
I turned 51 on Saturday. It was a great day, and honestly I don't remember the last great birthday I had. This one was packed with activities that I dragged Kin and Kaia along to. In the morning, we did the Black Liberation Walking Tour, a 2-hour-long tour of West...
The Week in Review: What's Good
My achilles seems to be healing nicely — phew, that's good — so I'm slowly picking up the mileage again. I'm trying not to pick up the pace — I know I need to run more slowly in order to train to run farther. But when I get in "the...
The Week in Review: What's Good
Our new RV is very, very good. We took it for a test-run this weekend, picking it up from our storage spot on Thursday afternoon, driving to Monterey, and returning yesterday midday. We managed to do it all, not with grace just yet — that'll come, right? — but everything...
In the News: On the Mindshift Podcast
My local NPR station invited me to talk a bit about the history of school bells. You can listen to me on KQED's Mindshift podcast.
The Week in Review: What's Good
Last week wasn't good, and this week hasn't started out much better. Last week, we were dog-sitting, which introduced an added layer of stress onto everyone's lives. The visiting dog didn't know "the rules," which made everything — walks, meals, potty breaks — sort of a struggle. "The rules" include...
In the News: On the Learning Futures Podcast
I was a guest on the Learning Futures podcast, along with Dr. Leigh Wolf. You can listen to the podcast here.