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Audrey Watters


It's Monday again? Damn. It doesn't feel like we had much of a weekend — that is to say, we were busy all weekend, doing things other than "the usual." (We are always busy, just busy with our routine.) Kin's sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were in town for an A's...

When I first started contemplating what I'd write about this past week, I wasn't sure I could find much "good." It wasn't a bad week, necessarily. I mean, Kin was out of town for half of it, so that sucked. Kaia left too; she's up in Oregon visiting her mom...

Justin Reich has reviewed Teaching Machines in the History of Education Quarterly (and said some very nice things about me and about the book): Teaching Machines arrives in a world where the pandemic has made education 148 technology seem simultaneously more essential and more fallible. Distance learning, 149 as millions...

I'm still struggling to write regularly, although I have lots of notes jotted down with half-baked ideas for essays and research projects (and possibly even book proposals). That said, I am reading a ton, and as I view that input as refueling my intellectual reserves, I'm trying not to freak...

It's a holiday here in the US, but no one I know is celebrating. But I'm a little shocked by how many people are pronouncing that now they're unhappy with this country and can't stomach any sort of rituals about our so-called "independence." As my friend and yoga teacher Margarita...

This was past week was One of Those Weeks — a week that culminated on Friday, of course, with the US Supreme Court rescinding the equal rights of half the people in this country, with an eye to undo even more. I've been numb with grief and anger ever since....

It was mid-morning when we started our ascent up Kerby Peak. We were alone — or at least there were no other cars parked at the trailhead. It had rained quite a bit the day before, and even though it was a weekend, I was thankful that the wet weather...

I'm going to get back in the habit of updating this site (at least) weekly — ya know, blogging. But rather than the type of "week in review" that I've written in the past — either here or on the now-defunct Hack Education — I thought I'd steal some of...