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Audrey Watters


Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 273 via tinyletter.com Teaching Machines I’ve been going through all my notes from the trips to various university archives, tagging everything and organizing my thoughts so the next chapters can be more easily written Other Projects I’ve put...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Teaching Machines, (To Be) Published by MIT Press Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 272 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com The Business of Ed-Tech: June 2018 Funding Data on funding.hackeducation.com Update: Tracking the Gates Foundation’s Education Grants on funding.hackeducation.com The Stories...

It’s official. I signed the book contract late last night: the MIT Press has agreed to publish Teaching Machines. I’m over-the-moon thrilled (particularly as I’ll have a great editor), although to be honest, I’m also feeling quite overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do. I have been...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 271 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Stanford University Archives, Day 1 on teachingmachin.es Stanford University Archives, Day 2 on teachingmachin.es Teaching Machines I traveled to Palo Alto to visit Patrick Suppes’ papers at Stanford –...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Pigeons, Operant Conditioning, and Social Control Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 270 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Teaching Machines I got some pretty goddamn exciting news about my book this week – stay tuned Other Projects I finished the draft...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News 8 Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 269 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Harvard University Archives, Day 1 on teachingmachin.es Harvard University Archives, Day 2 on teachingmachin.es Harvard University Archives, Day 3 on teachingmachin.es Harvard University Archives, Day 4 on teachingmachin.es...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 268 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com What Futurists and Marketers Predict (May 2018) on predictions.contrafabulists.com The Business of Ed-Tech: May 2018 Funding Data on funding.hackeducation.com Teaching Machines I requested materials from Skinner’s archives at Harvard...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 267 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Teaching Machines I’m still on the hunt for a literary agent I made plans to travel to Palo Alto in June to access Patrick Suppes’ papers at the Stanford...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 266 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Looking for an Agent and Other Post-Spencer Updates on teachingmachin.es What’s Next? on audreywatters.com Spencer Fellowship It’s over. This week was the J-School Graduation – I didn’t graduate per...

Today was commencement at Columbia University. I didn’t march (because I’m not graduating), but the Spencer Fellows did get a certificate so I agreed to show up to the J-School ceremony this afternoon. I’m not so into the pomp and circumstance, but I get it: rituals help us mark beginnings...