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Audrey Watters


I appeared on ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Company) in an episode of The Science Show, “Tribute to Ursula Le Guin.” Thank you so much to Ariel Bogle who let me talk about one of my favorite authors. (I also had a chance to bash Elon Musk.) Excerpt: Ursula Le Guin:...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 265 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com So, You Want Me to Speak at Your Event? on audreywatters.com Spencer Fellowship This was the last week of class. I submitted my book proposal and sample chapter to...

I am copying (with some modifications) a page on Miriam Posner’s website, where she outlines what she expects and what she needs when she’s asked to speak or conduct a workshop. Thank you for considering me as a speaker for your event. My travel schedule is listed on my website,...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Invisible Labor and Digital Utopias Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 264 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com (The Rest of April 2018) Predictions on predictions.contrafabulists.com The Business of Ed-Tech: April 2018 Funding Data on funding.hackeducation.com Spencer Fellowship I attended the orientation...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Teaching Machines, or How the Automation of Education Became “Personalized Learning” Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 263 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com Spencer Fellowship I’m not sure what week this is, but school is almost over. That means my fellowship...

E-Learning Inside News covered the talk I gave at CUNY: “Think Personalized Learning is New and Innovative? Ask Audrey Watters.” (I wasn’t contacted about this. So in some ways, it’s simply a re-write of my talk.)

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Thoughts from ASU+GSV AERA, in Absentia Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 262 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com The Week in Predictions on predictions.contrafabulists.com Spencer Fellowship I missed classes this week as I was in San...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 261 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com The Week in Predictions on predictions.contrafabulists.com Spencer Fellowship Week 11? of classes I finished writing the draft of Teaching Machines’ sample chapter I read my peers’ overview essays Speaking...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News What Are the Best Books about the History of Education Technology? Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 260 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com The Week in Predictions on predictions.contrafabulists.com History Books on history.hackeducation.com Spencer Fellowship Week 10 (?) of classes Book...

Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Here and Elsewhere HEWN, No. 259 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on robots.hackeducation.com The Business of Ed-Tech: March 2018 Funding Data on funding.hackeducation.com (Searching for) Norman A. Crowder and the AutoTutor on teachingmachin.es The Contrafabulists I know that Kin and I haven’t...