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Audrey Watters


This all feels very out of control. Out of my control. My therapist would interject here that, when it comes to a loved one’s addiction, indeed it is. Addiction. It’s not really my story to tell (right now). I am not certain I can find the right words to begin...

The template that I use to write this “week in review” makes a lot of sense when the week is “normal.” But even when it’s not normal – when my time is spent doing something other than writing, researching, and speaking, when my mind and my body are elsewhere –...

Google’s Self-Driving Cars Will Take Your Captive Body To An Empty Lot And Bury You Deep In The Ground After Running You Over This AI has killer dance moves Google to Developers: Here’s How to Stop Making Dumb Chatbots Robots won’t just take jobs, they’ll create them Should we fear...

Tweet of the Week Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) May 13, 2016 Travel Yes. Destination: Yosemite Upcoming week: Yes. Destination: Unknown (Spontaneous road-trip is spontaneous) Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Elsewhere HEWN, No. 161 via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots on...

"How I go to the woods" Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. I don't really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way...

Meet the robot that pretends to listen Drone Racing Seeks Attention With a Speedy Flyby Bots This chat bot pretends to be you so you can keep up with your friends Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot We are passing the Turing test right on schedule...

This summer, I’m teaching one of the tracks at the Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute, to be held at the University of Mary Washington from August 8–12. The title of my track is “Action,” and we’ll use the weeklong opportunity to explore how digital technologies shape what we consider to be...

Tweet of the Week “The great unbundling of higher education” that investors tout will exacerbate educational inequalities, but that’s probably the point— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) May 4, 2016 Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Who’s Investing in Ed-Tech (2010–2016) Identity, Power, and Education’s Algorithms Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter...

Experts say sex in self-driving cars is inevitable How The New, Improved Chatbots Rewrite 50 Years Of Bot History Google to Get Fiat Chrysler Minivans for Self-Driving Tests Bots Will Tear Us Apart A Treasure-Hunting Ocean Robot AI is nowhere near working; let’s think about what people can do that...

"Tweet of the Week" "Personalized learning" is like Burger King's slogan "have it your way." "Hold the onions" does not radically transform your fast food meal— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) April 28, 2016 Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter via tinyletter.com The Week in Robots...