Audrey Watters
My Week in Review
"Tweet of the Week" "Personalized learning" is like Burger King's slogan "have it your way." "Hold the onions" does not radically transform your fast food meal— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) April 28, 2016 Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter via The Week in Robots...
The Week in Robots
Sensors, Plus Brains: 17 IoT Companies Using Artificial Intelligence Tech Doing the Dirty Work China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers Can AI fix education? We asked Bill Gates Robot Kitchen Cooks and Serves Food in MIT Dining Hall Graffiti by Drone To Tackle Early Childhood Education, Sesame...
My Week in Review
Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope (I was supposed to take a day-trip to San Francisco, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to pan out) Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter via The Week in Robots on Hack: A History on
The Week in Robots
How to Prevent a Plague of Dumb Chatbots The Humans Hiding Behind the Chatbots How close are AI systems to human-level intelligence? The Allen AI challenge The future of trollbots Rise of the Trollbots MIT Researchers Develop AI Cybersecurity Platform Gradescope Raises $2.6M to Apply Artificial Intelligence to Grading Exams...
Hack: A History
…Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb I’ve been loosely tracking “who’s funding ed-tech” for a couple of years now. But I’ve really only maintained detailed records for the last year, and I’ve always got questions involving a longer view of ed-tech trends (something that you...
My Week in Review
Hack Education Hack Education Weekly News The Ideology of the Blockchain (for Education) Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter via The Week in Robots on Who Is Funding Ed-Tech Startups? on The Blockchain and Education: Ideology, Links on Speaking Nope Other Projects Taxes! I signed up...
The Week in Robots
I am on the Kill List. This is what it feels like to be hunted by drones How drones can improve scientific research in the field DMCA’s Notice And Takedown Procedure Is A Total Mess, And It’s Mainly Because Of Bogus Automated Takedowns How Computers Can Tell What They're Looking...
My Week in Review
Hack Education The Blockchain in Education: An Introduction Hack Education Weekly News Writing Elsewhere Hack Education Weekly Newsletter, No. 156 via The Week in Robots on Blockchain, Continued on Fragmentation: Rethinking This Blog on Link-Jacking in Ed-Tech on Speaking Nope Travel Nope Upcoming week: Nope...
Fragmentation: Rethinking This Blog
I’m always in the process of reviewing and revising my “workflow” – how I work, what I work on, the technologies I utilize to do so. For the last few years, I’ve used GitHub Pages and Jekyll to run this and all my websites. I really like doing so, in...
The Week in Robots
This post first appeared on The Army Wants You to Make Its Soldiers Pocket-Sized Drones Drones Marshaled to Drop Lifesaving Supplies Over Rwandan Terrain China’s Companies Poised to Take Leap in Developing a Driverless Car These Aren’t the AIs We’re Looking For: Why We Need to Be Smarter About...